
  • 1Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.

    ‘he should overcome his natural sloth and complacency’
    • ‘It seems to be intrinsic to domestic politics of every variety that a certain dismal downward trend emerges, characterized by sloth, despondency and complacency.’
    • ‘Once again the drawbacks to living a life of laziness and sloth became apparent.’
    • ‘Their lack of mathematical acumen is taken by parents and teachers as evidence of laziness, of sloth.’
    • ‘I wouldn't like to use the term gradual laziness to describe the deterioration my work ethic - not when words like indolence, sloth and bone-idleness will do so much better.’
    • ‘It's ridiculous that I've got one of the largest cultural cities in the world to the south of me, lots of which it costs relatively little to see and I let sloth and lethargy stop me from seeing it.’
    • ‘‘It's about idleness and sloth, and not getting out there and bringing in fresh, exciting stories,’ he says.’
    • ‘Their suspicions focussed particularly on what Cornwallis and his kind characterized as sloth and desertion.’
    • ‘The wandering soul has countless names, many of them suggestive of sloth and indolence.’
    • ‘The long, hot dusty afternoons, where time hangs still, and dry leaves fly in sad whirls before collapsing to the ground, the inertia and sloth that drives even the most energetic into a huddle, the sense of despair.’
    • ‘When does the diagnosis become lethargy or sloth?’
    • ‘Reverend Andy said he wasn't surprised that my zeal of the previous week had been replaced by sloth and apathy.’
    • ‘In the triumph of Royalist counter-revolution Milton saw the dangers of political passivity, of ideological sloth.’
    • ‘The law was against loitering, though it may as well have been against idleness and sloth.’
    • ‘I firmly believe that sloth and indolence are much kinder to the environment than greed and ambition.’
    • ‘Call it lethargy, call it ennui, call it plain, honest to goodness sloth, but I had yet to stir my bones and make the trek north.’
    • ‘However, I was by now committed to a day of gluttony and sloth, and so spent the afternoon eating chocolate and watching ‘reality’ tv.’
    • ‘But can't we have a little listlessness in our lives, some sloth, a dollop or two of drowsiness?’
    • ‘My main moral failings have always centered on greed and sloth.’
    • ‘The original ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ are commonly regarded as greed, gluttony, envy, sloth, pride, lust and wrath. search news’
    • ‘Night after night Shaun drags her to the neighbourhood pub, the Winchester, to suck back pints with his best friend Ed, the poster boy for sloth and neglect.’
    laziness, idleness, indolence, slothfulness, inactivity, inertia, sluggishness, apathy, accidie, listlessness, lassitude, passivity, lethargy, languor, torpidity, slowness, heaviness, dullness, shiftlessness
    View synonyms
  • 2A slow-moving tropical American mammal that hangs upside down from the branches of trees using its long limbs and hooked claws.

    Families Bradypodidae (three species of three-toed sloth in genus Bradypus) and Megalonychidae (two species of two-toed sloth in genus Choloepus), order Xenarthra (or Edentata)

    ‘Peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, armadillos, sloths, coatis, and others are around but hard to see.’
    • ‘In South America, a group known as the Xenarthrans developed, today represented by the anteaters, sloths and armadillos.’
    • ‘Monkeys, tapirs, sloths, anteaters, and bats abound, all in an area the size of West Virginia.’
    • ‘Dogs, rhinoceroses, tree sloths, horses, and whales are placentals.’
    • ‘The sloths and armadillos are rather odd mammals characteristic of South America.’
    • ‘The group currently includes armadillos, 2-toed sloths, 3-toed sloths, and anteaters, placed in four families containing 29 species.’
    • ‘South America was also home to living species of armadillos and sloths.’
    • ‘The cerebellum is nearly the same fraction of the brain in sloths and cats, sheep, manatees and antelopes but many fold bigger in some elasmobranch species than in others.’
    • ‘Saber-toothed cats, mastodons, giant sloths, woolly rhinos, and many other big, shaggy mammals are widely thought to have died out around the end of the last ice age, some 10,500 years ago.’
    • ‘This category includes three very different groups of animals: the armadillos, the ant-eaters, and the sloths.’
    • ‘They come down trees head-first like squirrels; stand on their hind legs balancing on their tails like kangaroos; and crawl and hang upside-down in the canopy like sloths.’
    • ‘He doesn't like to hang on trees with the other sloths.’
    • ‘You can walk through a tropical jungle and admire parrots, poison tree frogs and sloths in the trees and piranhas in the water beneath, or watch beluga whales and sea otters through the windows of large tanks in the Canadian Arctic display.’
    • ‘The first has been likened to tree sloths and the second compared to koala bears.’
    • ‘This night, the turtle was laying her eggs on a low shelf of sand near a line of dune scrub and low palms, not far from dense jungle that is home to the deadly fer-de-lance snake, caimans, howler monkeys and sloths.’
    • ‘Two toed sloths are perhaps more heterothermic than any other mammal.’
    • ‘The woolly rhinos and cave bears of Europe and Asia, the saber-toothed cats, the mastodons and giant sloths of North and South America - could some of these have made it through too?’
    • ‘But on the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola - shared today by modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic - sloths survived until about 4,400 years ago.’
    • ‘Three-toed sloths weigh 3-5 kg; their bodies run around 0.5 m in length.’
    • ‘But the journey, which leads to the discovery of shards of ancient pottery and the bones of extinct sloths, makes for a story of great suspense.’

Three-toed sloths The three-toed sloth (family Bradypodidae) is also called the ai in Latin America because of the high-pitched cry it produces when agitated. All four species belong to the same genus, Bradypus, and the coloration of their short facial hair bestows them with a perpetually smiling expression. Sloth The hemoflagellates of sloths, vermilinguas (anteaters), and armadillos. From the Cambridge English Corpus Big game, including bison, mammoths and ground sloths, also were attracted to these water sources. Any of several shaggy-coated arboreal edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae, esp Bradypus tridactylus (three-toed sloth or ai) or Choloepus didactylus (two-toed sloth or unau), of Central and South America. They are slow-moving, hanging upside down by their long arms and feeding on vegetation reluctance to work or exert oneself. Sloth Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Sloth in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Sloth in Urdu is کسل, and in roman we write it Kasl. Sloths are slow-moving mammals that spend most of their lives in trees. They cling to the trunks or hang upside down from the branches. Sloths live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. They are related to armadillos and anteaters.


Are You Learning English? Here Are Our Top English Tips

Words can be considered as the smallest independent elements in language and communication. In the English language, words can be classified under 8 major word types or parts of speech namely, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections. In this article, you will learn more about the most common and simplest word type, which is the noun.

What is a Noun?

In the simplest sense, a noun is any word that names people, things, animals, places, events, or ideas. Take a look at the sentences below:

  • Jack Gleeson, the actor who plays as Joffrey in Game of Thrones, was the boy saved by Batman in Batman Begins.
  • Beatrice and Carlawill meet at the coffee shopon Tuesday.
  • For me, birthdays are just ordinary days.

All of the underlined words in the sample sentences above are nouns. Now that you already know the answer to the question, “What is a noun?” it’s time to discuss the different functions, genders, and plural forms of nouns.

What are the Functions of a Noun?

A noun can function as a subject, an object (object of the preposition, direct object, indirect object), and a subject complement in a sentence.


  • Arya Stark is really cool.
  • In this example, the underlined noun serves as the subject in the sentence.
  • They were supposed to meet atnoon.
  • The noun in this sentence functions as an object of the preposition. (at is the preposition)
  • Jeremy is a swimmer.
  • This sample sentence has two nouns, “Jeremy” and “swimmer”. “Jeremy” is a noun that serves as the subject, while the underlined noun acts as the subject complement.
  • The beaversbuilt a dam.
  • In this sentence, “beavers” is the subject, the word “built” is the verb, and the underlined word is the noun that serves as the direct object (the thing that is acted upon).
  • He gave Maria a love letter.
  • This example has two nouns, “Maria” and “love letter.” The thing that is acted upon (direct object) is the “love letter,” while the indirect object is “Maria.” Simply put, an indirect object refers to the recipient or the one who gets the direct object.

What are the Different Genders of Nouns?

Aside from providing the answer to the question, “What is a noun?” and discussing the various functions, this article will also explore noun genders. Basically, there are four genders of nouns, and these are: masculine, feminine, common, and neuter.

1. Neuter – this gender simply refers to nouns that have no sex.

  • Examples: computer, city, pizza, bus, brownies, oven

2. Common– is the gender of nouns which can refer to either the male or female sex.

  • Examples: student, driver, lawyer, criminal, leader, visitor

3. Masculine– this refers to nouns of the male sex

  • Examples: sorcerer, actor, tiger, rooster, prince, fox, stag, bull, ram

4.Feminine– this denotes nouns of the female sex.

  • Examples: sorceress, actress, tigress, hen, princess, vixen, doe, cow, ewe

What are the Different Forms of Nouns?

Nouns normally come in their singular form, however, if these nouns name more than one person, place, thing, animal, event, or idea, it is necessary for you to transform them into their plural form.

These are most common ways of pluralizing nouns:

1. Add “s


  • bike- bikes
  • trap- traps
  • coin- coins
  • game- games
  • swimming pool- swimming pools

2. Add “es

Sloth Animal Definition



  • beach- beaches
  • potato- potatoes
  • hero- heroes
  • box- boxes
  • torch- torches

3. Change “y” to “i,” and then add “es


  • butterfly- butterflies
  • party- parties
  • reply- replies
  • factory- factories
  • baby- babies

Note:Sometimes, you just have to add “s” without changing “y” to “i” (e.g., chimney- chimneys; trolley- trolleys)

4. Change “f” to “v,” and then add “s” or “es


  • wife- wives (“s” only)
  • thief- thieves (“es”)
  • loaf- loaves (“es”)
  • knife- knives (“s” only)
  • wolf- wolves (“es”)

Note: Sometimes, you only need to add “s” without changing “f” to “v” (e.g., cliff- cliffs; chef- chefs).

Other ways of pluralizing nouns:

1. For some nouns ending in “um,” change “um” to “a


  • medium- media
  • curriculum- curricula
  • bacterium- bacteria
  • ovum- ova
  • datum- data

2. For some nouns ending in “is,” change “is” to “es


  • crisis- crises
  • analysis- analyses
  • thesis- theses
  • axis- axes
  • oasis- oases

3. For some nouns ending in “us” change “us” to “i


Sloth Definition Sin

  • radius- radii
  • nucleus- nuclei
  • fungus- fungi
  • stimulus- stimuli
  • bacillus- bacilli


4. Some nouns have the same singular and plural form

Sloth Definition Tkt Dictionary


  • sheep
  • deer
  • moose

Sloth Definition Tkt

Sloth Definition Tkt

Sloth Definition Tkt Meaning

Final Thoughts

Sloth Definition Tkt Definition

This article entitled “Parts of Speech: What is a Noun?” can be a good starting point in your exploration of the different types of words that can be regarded as the building blocks of grammar. If you want to have great grammar skills and improve your writing, you really need to have a good grasp of what is a noun, as well as the other parts of speech. These things can be considered among the most basic yet essential concepts in grammar, so it’s really important for you to be well acquainted with these before moving on to the more advanced topics.