To me (R-3.0.1 on Win7) it looks like the plot takes the size/shape of the character(s) into account, as the three single dot examples are virtually identical despite their relative vertical positioning, and all appear in the middle of where the 'I's are plotted. This is one of a set ofHow To'to do various things using R (R Core Team,2019), particularly using the psych (Revelle,2020) package. The current list of How To’s includes: 1.Installing R and some useful packages 2.Using R and the psych package to nd omega h and w t. 3.Using R and the psych forfactor analysisand principal components analysis.

  1. Biplot R Psych
  2. How To Interpret Pca Biplot
  3. R Pca Biplot
  4. R Biplot Psych

Biplot R Psych

plot.psych {psych}R Documentation

Plotting functions for the psych package of class “psych'


Combines several plotting functions into one for objects of class “psych'. This can be used to plot the results of fa, irt.fa, VSS, ICLUST, omega,, or principal.




The object to plot


Variable labels


Label for the x axis – defaults to Latent Trait


Label for the y axis


Specify the limits for the y axis


Main title for graph


'ICC' plots items, 'IIC' plots item information, 'test' plots test information, defaults to IIC.


The discrimination parameter


Only plot item responses with discrimiantion greater than cut


Used in plotting irt results from irt.fa.


ylab for test reliability, defaults to 'reliability'


if TRUE, plot qq plot of residuals, otherwise plot a cor.plot of residuals


other calls to plot


Passes the appropriate values to plot. For plotting the results of irt.fa, there are three options: type = 'IIC' (default) will plot the item characteristic respone function. type = 'IIC' will plot the item information function, and type= 'test' will plot the test information function.

Note that plotting an irt result will call either plot.irt or plot.poly depending upon the type of data that were used in the original irt.fa call.

These are calls to the generic plot function that are intercepted for objects of type 'psych'. More precise plotting control is available in the separate plot functions. plot may be used for psych objects returned from fa, irt.fa, ICLUST, omega, as well as principal

A 'jiggle' parameter is available in the fa.plot function (called from plot.psych when the type is a factor or cluster. If jiggle=TRUE, then the points are jittered slightly (controlled by amount) before plotting. This option is useful when plotting items with identical factor loadings (e.g., when comparing hypothetical models).

Objects from irt.fa are plotted according to 'type' (Item informations, item characteristics, or test information). In addition, plots for selected items may be done if using the keys matrix. Plots of irt information return three invisible objects, a summary of information for each item at levels of the trait, the average area under the curve (the average information) for each item as well as where the item is most informative.

If plotting multiple factor solutions in plot.poly, then main can be a vector of names, one for each factor. The default is to give main + the factor number.

It is also possible to create irt like plots based upon just a scoring key and item difficulties, or from a factor analysis and item difficulties. These are not true IRT type analyses, in that the parameters are not estimated from the data, but are rather indications of item location and discrimination for arbitrary sets of items. To do this, find and then plot the results.


Graphic output for factor analysis, cluster analysis and item response analysis.


More precise plotting control is available in the separate plot functions.

How To Interpret Pca Biplot


R biplot psychiatrist

William Revelle

See Also

R Pca Biplot

VSS.plot and fa.plot, cluster.plot, fa, irt.fa, VSS, ICLUST, omega, or principal


R Biplot Psych

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