1. How To Treat Hot Spots On Dogs
  2. What Is A Hot Spot On Dogs

Hot spots are a common skin ailment in dogs. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, hot spots typically appear as moist, oozing, reddened areas (of any shape) that can be quite painful and itchy (1).

Acute moist dermatitis or hot spots are a common skin disorder in dogs. Hot spots can appear suddenly and become large red, irritated lesions in a short time. Allergies including food allergies or inhalant allergies that cause itching. Direct Application of Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is a powerful agent when it comes to fighting a.

There are many reasons dogs can be affected by hot spots, including a flea-bite allergy, general skin allergies, bites from other parasites, chemical irritant, skin infection, ear and anal gland infections, and neglected grooming.

A dog hot spot can seemingly spring up overnight, in the form of a large, red, moist, painful area of irritated skin brought on by your dog’s licking, chewing, itching, and scratching. The excessive chewing or licking is often prompted by flea bites or some other type of insect bite, but allergic skin conditions may also be the culprit. Hot spots on dogs often begin small, but can grow to six to seven inches wide when left untreated. For some dogs, the appearance of oozing areas or sores will also be a physical demarcation of the presence of a hotspot. How Hotspots Are Formed Canine hotspots are lesions that form on the surface of the skin due to a skin infection. May 27, 2020 What Are Hot Spots On Dogs? A hot spot, also known as acute moist dermatitis, is an area of the skin that’s become inflamed and infected. At first, a hot spot appears as a small red area that looks like an insect bite. But they quickly worsen and spread, appearing as a large, moist, oozing and red or bright pink area.

Dogs that swim a lot or those who live in a humid climate are more prone to develop hot spots. Basically, any situation that causes moist, dead fur to be trapped next to the skin can lead to a hot spot.


Usually, the problem starts when a dog chews on or licks broken skin. This breaches the body’s natural defenses and introduces bacteria on the affected skin that can lead to a mild to moderate infection in the skin’s upper layer.

How To Treat Hot Spots On Dogs


Hot spots in dogs are painful, itchy and often seem to pop up overnight. Also, you will probably notice your dog obsessively itching, licking and biting at the area.

No matter what caused the hot spots, treatment is necessary to help heal the skin and relieve the itching. Along with medications prescribed by your vet, there are many alternative remedies for treating hot spots that can help control the problem.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for hot spots on dogs.


'Hot Spots on dog skin (acute moist dermatitis or pyotraumatic dermatitis) is a swollen skin area that gives off a bad smell . Canine hot spots appear suddenly with the hair in the area quickly disappearing. Large breeds often get hot spots on the ears, although on all dogs they can appear on any part of the body. There are many reasons for the formation of dog hot spots including allergy, fleas, matted hair, parasites, mange, poor grooming, mites, and anal gland infection. Often a dog will make the problem worse by licking the skin after an insect bite. Spots can start small and grow to be 6 to 7 inches wide, all within a day. Symptoms appear more often during warm months and beside hair loss includes skin itch, red skin, oozing areas and painful sores. Treatment involves cutting hair that surrounds the affected area, followed by skin cleaning. Antibiotics are used to treat any infection and cortiscosteroids for itch. Once treatment begins, healing is quick, although scabs can take weeks to fully heal. The underlying cause for the dog skin problem needs to be identified and treated as well. Once a hot spot is discovered, it's best to visit the veterinarian as soon as possible to prevent the spots from growing larger.'

Hot spots on dog skin (acute moist dermatitis or pyrotraumatic dermatitis) occur most often on dogs with long, dense coats. They are more likely to occur during hot weather and appear to happen overnight.


There are a number of possible causes, including insect bites (particularly fleas), mites, allergies, poor grooming, ear infections, and anal gland disease. Flea allergy is the most common cause. The spots grow in size from self trauma such as a dog licking the problem area, which also can introduce bacteria causing infection into the skin.

Picture of Hot Spots on Dog back. The hair was clipped on the perimeter of the hot spot to aid healing

Source: Washington State University

Breeds that are Predisposed to Hot Spots

Hot spots are more prevalent in long haired dogs such as:

Hot spots on dogs in winter
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Newfoundlands
  • German Shepherds
  • Bernese Mountain Dogs

Symptoms of Hot Spots on Dog Skin

Hot spots on dog skin are round, raw lesions, usually found on the head, hips, and sides of the chest. They are moist and inflamed, and the hair will fall out in that area. They are quite painful. Your dog will usually scratch, like or bite the area, irritating the skin even more. Hot spots are sometimes called “pyotraumatic dermatitis” (meaning self-caused skin inflammation) because the self-trauma is a major factor in the development of the sores. The sores can grow larger very rapidly.

Diagnosis of Hot Spots on Dog Skin

Hot spots can mimic other skin problems, so your vet will need to examine them carefully to determine that is what they are. They may appear similar to some fungal infections, but your vet can rule those out with blood tests or by taking a swab of the affected area and examining it under a microscope.

Your vet will also look for possible causes of the hot spots. For instance, if the hot spots are on the ears, then ear infection is a likely cause. A homeopathic approach to ear hot spots such as Ear Dr. can help to promote healing in addition to the specific treatment recommended by your veterinarian.

If the hot spots are on the hips, an anal gland infection is a likely cause. Fleas are also a common cause of hot spots on dog skin. Identifying the cause of the canine skin hot spot will direct the course of treatment.

Dog Hot Spots Treatment

Treatment of hot spots must be aimed at healing the hot spots as well as eliminating the cause. The canine skin hot spot is treated by first clipping the hair around the lesion. This allows air to get to the inflamed skin and makes it easier to treat the wound. The spot is then cleaned and a topical treatment is applied such as Betadine or chlorhyexidine. If the wound is infected, oral antibiotics are prescribed. Oral anti-inflammatory medication may also be prescribed in severe cases.

Glucocorticoids (GCC) are frequently suggested. Hydrocortisone treatment is administered with a spray such as Dermagard Hydrocortisone Spray. These treatments prevent the activation of many cells involved in inflammation. According to a paper presented at the 2006 North American Veterinary Conference 'Topical Glucocorticoids can be beneficial in the management of various inflammatory dermatoses, especially atopic dermatitis.'

The underlying cause of the hot spot must be identified and treated, or the problem will just keep coming back. Any infections will be treated with antibiotics. Fleas and mites are usually treated with topical solutions or medicated shampoos. If poor grooming is an issue, your vet can instruct you on the best way to groom your pet.

An Elizabethan collar or foot bandage may be used to keep your dog from scratching the treated area. A more comfortable alternative collar is the ProCollar Protective Collar. Clipping a dog's nails can also help to prevent scratching.

Spots will heal quickly, although skin scabs may take a few weeks to completely disappear. If a dog has a heavy undercoat, it can be helpful to arrange for summer hair clipping.

Have A Question About Hot Spots or a Story That Can Help Others?

Do you have a Hot Spot Question for our Editors or a Helpful Story to Share? Please include information such as age, sex, breed, medical history, skin and other symptoms, medications your dog is taking, recent changes in behavior, etc. A picture of the condition would also be helpful.
We will do our best to get back to you quickly (depends on how many questions we receive each day). If you do require an immediate response we suggest using this online dog veterinary service that is available now.

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