Casino is a brilliant cinematic masterpiece from writer/director Martin Scorsese. The story follows two childhood friends who are sent to Las Vegas by the mob to oversee their casino operations. The reason people adore casino robbery movies Who doesn’t love an intensity filled robbery movie? It’s something you don’t see on a daily basis, and you certainly won’t be participating in such activities. And if you are – perhaps you should click out of this read before you get any silly ideas. CASINO is a film by legendary director Martin Scorsese, who is famous for the movies Taxi Driver and Scarface. Scorsese has an enduring interest in the lives and workings of underworld figures and their lives, blown up to epic proportions, and Casino is no exception. The rise and fall of Sam's Tangeirs casino is told in different narrative.

Martin Scorsese's fascinating new film 'Casino' knows a lot about the Mafia's relationship with Las Vegas. It's based on a book by Nicholas Pileggi, who had full access to a man who once ran four casinos for the mob, and whose true story inspires the movie's plot.

Like 'The Godfather,' it makes us feel like eavesdroppers in a secret place.

The movie opens with a car bombing, and the figure of Sam 'Ace' Rothstein floating through the air. The movie explains how such a thing came to happen to him. The first hour plays like a documentary; there's a narration, by Rothstein (Robert De Niro) and others, explaining how the mob skimmed millions out of the casinos.

It's an interesting process. Assuming you could steal 25 percent of the slot-machine take - what would you do with tons of coins? How would you convert them into bills that could be stuffed into the weekly suitcase for delivery to the mob in Kansas City? 'Casino' knows. It also knows how to skim from the other games, and from food service and the gift shops. And it knows about how casinos don't like to be stolen from.

There's an incident where a man is cheating at blackjack, and a couple of security guys sidle up to him and jab him with a stun gun.

He collapses, the security guys call for medical attention, and hurry him away to a little room where they pound on his fingers with a mallet and he agrees that he made a very bad mistake.

Rothstein, based on the real-life figure of Frank (Lefty) Rosenthal, starts life as a sports oddsmaker in Chicago, attracts the attention of the mob because of his genius with numbers and is assigned to run casinos because he looks like an efficient businessman who will encourage the Vegas goose to continue laying its golden eggs. He is a man who detests unnecessary trouble. One day, however, trouble finds him, in the person of Ginger McKenna (Sharon Stone), a high-priced call girl.

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film where Robert De Niro gets into his car and it explodes, you can clearly see the cut where they have replaced him with a dummy.(00:00:50)


Revealing mistake: Near the end when Ace gets into his Cadillac, in the first shot facing the front of the car, there is a protective glass in front of Ace (the same width as the windshield) with the dashboard in between that glass and the windshield. Note the vertical edge of the glass is visible at the right side, and the rearview mirror's sticker on the windshield casts a shadow onto the second glass. During the stunt, the flames on the dashboard are between the glass shield and the windshield, keeping the actor safe from harm.(02:46:05)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Sharon Stone gets thrown out of Joe Pesci's club, you can clearly see the pads on Stone's hand's to break the impact of the fall.

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Trivia: The sex scene between Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone was voted the worst movies sex scene of all time in an on-line poll.

Trivia: Robert DeNiro was so adamant about portraying the character he was playing, that he had his suits that he had worn in the movie made by the same tailors who had made Frank Rosenthal's suits

Trivia: Robert DeNiro's attorney in the movie is Oscar Goodman, who ironically was the attorney for Frank Rosenthal, as well as Tony Spilotro, who was played by Joe Pesci

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Casino Movie Basis Review

Nicky Santoro: We're supposed to be robbin' this place, you dumb fuckin' Hebe.

Nicky Santoro: That black book's a joke. It's only got two names in it for the whole country. And one of them's still Al Capone.

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Question: Sam and Nicky both refer to 'back home' but they do not explain where it is . I thought it was Kansas City because that is where the bosses are, but it's revealed that they are only there because 'its as close as they could get to Vegas without being arrested'. Does anyone know where in America Sam and Nicky are originally from?

Casino Movie Basis

Answer:Frank Rosenthal (the basis for Sam Rothstein) and Tony Spilotro (the basis for Nicky Santoro) were both from Chicago, so that is likely 'back home'.

Question: Why would Sam's life be threatened by the Mafia bosses if they find out that Ginger and Nicky are having an affair? I know it's mentioned that they hold marriage in high regard but isn't Sam the victim of being cheated on by his wife and betrayed by his friend? I can only come to the conclusion that they wouldn't approve of a man letting his wife sleep around but still, that seems presumptuous and excessive even for the mob.(02:22:10)


Answer:It's also possible that the 'bosses' would be concerned that a rift between Nicky and Sam could bring public (police) attention to the criminal activities going on behind the scenes. These are, after all, two very egotistical individuals.

Answer:Concern about their affair probably has nothing to do with 'mob morality' but with the possible complications and unwanted attention that Nick and Ginger, who is a volatile and unpredictable alcoholic and drug addict, could cause for the casino operators, who are being investigated by the F.B.I.

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Question: Where does Cream's song 'Those Were the Days' appear in the film?

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