Casino (1995) Film in fact, in some ways, it is even more confusing. When all the Casino (1995) Film changes happened in the U.S., many professional real money gamblers moved to Canada to take advantage of staying in the same time zones but being able to keep playing at their favorite sites. The movie Casino (1995) is one of the many classic old school gang movies made by the legendary Martin Scorsese. Of course, not all parts of the film are real, at some point, it is a fiction, but we will leave you to decide which parts, simply because the storyline is very authentic for its time. “Casino” is one of the all-time great movies about Las Vegas. The film, released in 1995, was inspired by real people and, in large part, actual events. “Casino” is a funny, violent, eye-opening glimpse into the colorful history and culture of Las Vegas casinos, and the film has helped shape how many perceive Sin City, for better or worse. My blog: Martin Scorsese film depicts the Janus-like quality of Las Vegas-it has a glittering, glamorous face, as well as. Martin Scorsese's fascinating new film 'Casino' knows a lot about the Mafia's relationship with Las Vegas. It's based on a book by Nicholas Pileggi, who had full access to a man who once ran four casinos for the mob, and whose true story inspires the movie's plot. Like 'The Godfather,' it makes us feel like eavesdroppers in a secret place.

The relationship between Ace and Ginger becomes so diminished that Ace gives her all her money and tells her to leave. The Feds make their move. They arrest all the bosses, Nicky's crew and raid the Gold Rush. Artie Piscano has a heart attack when the Feds search his house. The bosses order all the men involved with the casino scam (Andy Stone, John Nance etc.), murdered. Ginger gets involved with some lowlifes and has an overdose and dies. Ace survived the car bombing at the beginning because of a secret metal plate under the driver's seat. Nicky was the one who planted the bomb. Both Nicky and his brother Dominic, are taken out into a cornfield by Frankie and Remo Gaggi's boys, beaten with baseball bats and buried while they were still breathing. All of the major casinos and condemned. Ace goes back to being a bookie and making money for people back home. And that's that.

Casino 1995 Filmweb

Nikki Williams

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film where Robert De Niro gets into his car and it explodes, you can clearly see the cut where they have replaced him with a dummy.(00:00:50)

Nicky Santoro: That black book's a joke. It's only got two names in it for the whole country. And one of them's still Al Capone.

Trivia: Robert DeNiro's attorney in the movie is Oscar Goodman, who ironically was the attorney for Frank Rosenthal, as well as Tony Spilotro, who was played by Joe Pesci

Question: Why would Sam's life be threatened by the Mafia bosses if they find out that Ginger and Nicky are having an affair? I know it's mentioned that they hold marriage in high regard but isn't Sam the victim of being cheated on by his wife and betrayed by his friend? I can only come to the conclusion that they wouldn't approve of a man letting his wife sleep around but still, that seems presumptuous and excessive even for the mob.(02:22:10)

Answer:It's also possible that the 'bosses' would be concerned that a rift between Nicky and Sam could bring public (police) attention to the criminal activities going on behind the scenes. These are, after all, two very egotistical individuals.

Answer:Concern about their affair probably has nothing to do with 'mob morality' but with the possible complications and unwanted attention that Nick and Ginger, who is a volatile and unpredictable alcoholic and drug addict, could cause for the casino operators, who are being investigated by the F.B.I.

Casino 1995 filming locationsraywest

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The 1995 movie Casino, directed by Martin Scorsese, is extremely well received and praised by movie fans all over, even more than twenty years later. The story follows Sam “Ace” Rothstein (Robert De Niro) who runs a mob-owned casino called Tangiers.

Since the movie is twenty-five years old the world of gambling, casinos, and betting have changed quite a bit since the movie’s release. Physical casinos obviously still exist, but the digital casinos are becoming more and more popular for people – especially this year. It’s a lot easier to partake in gambling from a computer or mobile device and it’s certainly easier to try a new online casino whenever you want to. Make sure to check out!

Despite being an older film Casino is still raved about, and may well be set up to stand the test of time. So, we wrote a review and summary for those who aren’t yet convinced about watching it or who those who watched it a long time ago and don’t remember it as well as they’d like.


Sam Rothstein runs the Tangiers casino in Las Vegas, though it originally received $60,000,000 worth of funding from a Chicago mob boss named Remo Gaggi (Pasquale Cajano). Now the mob skims millions of dollars from the casino’s earnings.

Rothstein makes it clear he runs a slick establishment that doesn’t tolerate cheaters. Early on in the film there’s a scene where Rothstein catches a couple of blackjack cheaters and doles out some physical justice by shocking a man, dragging him to a back room, and smashing his hand with a hammer.

One day, Rothstein falls in love with a call-girl named Ginger McKenna (Sharon Stone). This is the first of many troubles for Rothstein. The two date around happily, but when Rothstein proposes to McKenna she refuses. She’s been working for the same pimp for a long time and she has no desire to give up her job. However, when Rothstein makes it clear he can shower her with every possible luxury she marries him. Throughout the movie McKenna develops a drinking problem and a bad drug habit.

Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci) is a dangerous criminal who knew Rothstein back in Chicago. Santoro eventually winds up in Las Vegas too and makes a small crew that quickly begins making waves in Vegas. After a terrible bout of tourture, Santoro is labeled a mob enforcer, despite this not being true. Rothstein’s connection to Santoro isn’t good for him.

As Rothstein’s life spirals word gets back to the mob bosses. Eventually the mess that gets made around Sam Rothstein looks too big to clean up and the mob resorts to having him killed.


Casino 1995 Filming Dates

The movie is nearly immediately gripping as it opens with the lead character being blown up in a car bomb. The visual effect of his body being thrown from the vehicle may not have aged particularly well, but the movie isn’t very CGI heavy and this can be forgiven quickly. The rest of Casino aims to tell the story of how Rothstein ended up in the fiery vehicle.

Casino 1995 Film

Casino 1995 Film Wikipedia

With narration from multiple characters the audience is treated to the kind of story knowledge one can usually only get from books. Viewers know the thoughts, motivations, and emotions of multiple characters intimately allowing for viewers to be fully engrossed in the events that take place before them. It’s easy to become invested and care about the characters – even if you’re told the ending in the opening sequence.

Overall, if you’re a fan of mob movies, gambling, Scorsese, or any of the numerous A-list actors in the Casino movie cast then this film is well worth a watch, even if it is two and a half decades old.