
Love is not about asking someone to change, to bend, to become something they’re not. Love is not about trying to force pieces of a puzzle together. Love is about falling into something, someone where all the pieces just fit. See, I think that’s what we forget about love. Whatever makes you different, that's exactly who you're here to be, not someone that 'fits' with everyone else. You may not be the person who stays out late with friends, instead you may be at home studying something that lights you up. You may not be the person who can bond over sports or celebrity gossip. Without noticing that the pronoun I does not fit with the preceding he, the writer adds a my that was not in the original quotation. The writer could have reported the words as an indirect quotation, putting only part of it in quotation marks: he “personally believes” in the products he talks about in his show. Talking about dreams is like talking about movies, since the cinema uses the language of dreams; years can pass in a second, and you can hop from one place to another. It's a language made of image. And in the real cinema, every object and every light means something, as in a dream.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing your own thing, living an independent life, or waving a giant 'loner' flag as you eat lunch all by yourself. It's confident and cool AF. But it's possible that, at one point or another, you have worried that you don't fit in.

And haven't we all? This world of ours is so ridiculously social. We not only have our phones on us 24/7 (which may or may be blowing up with messages), but we also have to contend with the overwhelming presence of social media. It all serves as a near-constant reminder that people are out leading much more social lives with all of their friends. Meanwhile, your phone is cold from lack of use, and nobody has liked one of your Instagram pics in days.

And that's just in the digital world. There's still your office, where you can feel like you don't fit in. And school, where you might be the 'outcast.' It can even get to the point where you wonder if eating lunch alone is a choice, or something you have to.

A sense of isolation can really hurt, mostly because the fundamental need to belong is rooted deep in our evolutionary history, Dr. Kim Chronister, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist tells Bustle. 'Not fitting in can affect us both psychologically and physiologically,' she says. So how can you fix it, if you want to feel better? Here are some reasons why it might feel like you don't fit, as well as what to do about it.

1. Your Friends Are Changing

Remember when you were really young and thought wholeheartedly that your BFF would actually be your BFF? If they're still in your life, congrats on the long-lasting friendship. But know that it's very common for people to change and drift apart, as the years go by.

'This can be for a number of reasons such as moving to another city or changing jobs, which may make staying in touch hard,' Heidi McBain, licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Bustle. 'It can also be because you’ve grown and changed or your friend/s have grown and changed.'

So if you're going through a phase right now where old friends are changing and no longer reaching out, it may simply mean you're in the market for some new ones, whose lives better match your own.

2. You Haven't Found 'Your People'

If you feel like a stranger at work, or live on the periphery of your friend group, it could be that you haven't found your people yet, AKA the friends who truly understand and value you.

'Sometimes this is because you don’t know yourself well at this point in your life,' McBain says. You might be drifting in and out of friendships, and never really settling in, because you don't know what you're looking for.

It can help to take some time to reflect, possibly by going to therapy, McBain says, as a way to figure out who you are and what you like. With time, people who share similar interests will start showing up in your life, and friendships will form.

3. You Aren't Opening Up

Remember, to find and fit in with your people, it'll be necessary to actually open up and reveal a bit about yourself, which may be tricky if you're naturally kind of quiet.

'If someone is too quiet during social interactions, it can make getting to know them on a personal level very difficult,' McBain says. 'That being said, if you tend to be quiet but still want to engage with others, try asking them questions about themselves and their life, and then actively listen to their responses.'

You don't have to change who you are or pretend to be something you're not. It's just about being a little more open, a little more often.

4. You Worry Too Much About What Everyone Thinks

If ever there was a way to come across as awkward and uncomfortable in public, it's by caring too much about what people. While this habit might be difficult to break, consider how it might cause you to put up a wall, or project standoffish vibes.

'Caring too much about what other people think might make you come across as awkward or anxious,' McBain says. So give yourself permission to loosen up a bit. Or go back to asking questions and being a great listener, until you warm up.

'This might be a way in which you can connect with others in a way that doesn’t make you feel so put on the spot,' McBain says. 'And, often people really enjoy talking about themselves and their own lives.'

5. You Haven't Owned Your Uniqueness

While you may think you have to tamp down your uniqueness in order to fit in, it can actually be quite the opposite. By pretending to be someone you're not, it'll only leave you with shallow friendships and a sense that no one understands you. So go ahead and confidently be yourself.

'This might make you feel like you don’t fit in with the masses, but if you embrace your individuality, it might not matter so much,' McBain says. 'Meaning, if you’re able to be who you truly are, then fitting in might not be your ultimate goal here.'

And yet, the more often you embrace who you are, and the things you like, the more likely you'll be to attract folks who feel the exact same way, which can help you form new relationships.

6. You Are Painfully Shy

Its OK to be shy. After all, not everyone is a center-of-the-circle, life of the party type. But being too shy — to the point where you are totally unable to chat with new people — can be quite the hinderance when it comes to fitting in. And yet, there are things you can do to get by.

'Being shy might make it hard to meet people in big groups, so maybe try to stick to smaller group settings when you can,' McBain says. 'That being said, if there are certain people you feel more shy around than others, this might help you better understand the people who are 'your people' versus the ones who aren’t.'

7. You Ignore What You Want

If you tend to judge yourself, or get too 'in your head' about life, you can end up feeling alone, Dr. Margaret Paul, PhD, relationship expert and author, tells Bustle. 'When don’t connect with ourselves, we can’t truly connect with others and we may end up feeling not only empty inside, but also left out and isolated from others,' she says. 'People tend to treat us the way we treat ourselves, so when we ignore our feelings and wants, or judge ourselves, we might experience being ignored or judged by others.'

This can be tough to overcome, but is something you can work on over time, or with the help of a therapist. Once you do, you might notice that you feel a little less isolated.

8. You Aren't listening carefully

Connection is a two-way street, Paul says. You talk a bit, your friend talks a bit, and the whole relationship stays equal and balanced. So if you find yourself being shunned by friends, or feeling like no one likes you, it could be that you need to listen more.

The next time your friend tells a story, try to really hear them. Don't offer a story of your own, try to one-up them, or launch into a monologue, Paul says. Simply listen, and they'll be more likely to do the same for you, thus creating a deeper connection.

9. You Are Trying Too Hard

There's nothing wrong with putting effort into your relationships. But pay attention to where and why you're putting in that effort, as it may all be futile.

If you're 'trying too hard' in a caring way, Paul says, and you still can't connect, it may be better to move on and find a group that will truly appreciate you.

But it's also possible to try to hard in an effort to seek approval. That can be off-putting, and may be a sign you need to step back for a while, and do some inner work.

10. You Aren't Trying Enough

It's also possible to not try hard enough, which might be the case if you're always waiting around for people to come to you. If you're at work, for example, and wondering why no one is talking to you, take it upon yourself to move things along. Be chatty, be nice, ask people about their day.

And consider getting outside your comfort zone by attending events, joining clubs, and saying yes to invitations, even if you'd rather stay home. You don't have to commit an entire evening to a party, McBain says, but it never hurts to attend events. Or even create a few of your own.

11. You Aren't Expressing Yourself

While it doesn't really matter what you wear, there is something to be said for expressing yourself outwardly as a way of connecting with like-minded people. So if you don't already, consider the image you're projecting to the world.

Things like clothes and jewelry and haircuts won't make friendships, but they are conversation starters, as they can let people know what you're all about. If you don't already, consider being more intentional with your personal style, as a way of drawing people in.

It's never fun to feel left out, or as if you don't fit in. But there are plenty of things you can do about it, should you be interested in creating new relationships. It takes time, and may require a few tweaks to how you think or move through the world. And yet it can result in more positive interactions, and maybe even new friendships.

1. Colors speak louder than words

2. We're just trying to find some color in this black & white world

3. Your life is a canvas make sure you paint yourself a whole lots of colorful days

4. The life is like the color that each one wants

Articles About Not Fitting In

5. You see a persons true colors when you are no longer beneficial to their life.
Felicia Nyberg

6. And the colors we choose for our homes are a public representation of how we see ourselves

7. I resolve to think outside the lines & live colour fully

8. Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow is second.
Mattie Stepanek

9. If you're feeling blue try pointing yourself a different color.
Hannah Cheatem

10. Life is about using the whole box of crayons

11. Colour creates, enhances, changes, reveals and establishes the mood of the painting.
Kiff Holland

12. The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most.
John Ruskin

13. Get out your rainbow colors and make today beautiful

14. Color outside the lines

15. Keeping looking up there may be a rainbow waiting for you

16. Shining through. I see your true colors. And that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show. Just show Your true colors.

17. It was never about words just about colors it brings to our lives

18. Be the color to someone's gray today

19. Why live as one single colour crayon when you can be the full box of crayons colouring the whole world with your love?

20. Mere color can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.
Oscar Wilde

21. I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way – things I had no words for.
Georgia O'Keeffe

22. Sometimes you have to see people as a crayon. They may not be your favorite color, but you need them to complete the picture.

23. The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius

24. When your life feels black and white make sure that you dream in color

25. Orange is the happiest color.
Frank Sinatra

26. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

27. Dream in colors never seen before be creative.

28. The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
Coco Chanel


29. Sometimes all you need is a little splash of color

30. Boldly be a pop of color in a black and white world

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31. Rain Deluged colors that sink into drains still know their hues, and continue to squabble in murky waters below.
Anita Nahal

32. I'm halfway around the world with dozens of bags, feeling like all 4 members of color me badd.

33. Broken crayons still color

34. The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color.
Anna Godbersen

35. What i need most of all is color, always, always.
Claude Monet

36. I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.
Vincent Van Gogh

37. Colors must fit together as pieces in a puzzle or cogs in a wheel.
Hans Hofmann

38. You brought colors in my life. yes you

39. Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
Maya Angelou

40. Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.
Pedro Caderon de la barca

41. He may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he's still my favorite color

42. Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits.
William Hazlitt

43. Gray is the color… the most important of all… absent of opinion, nothing, neither-nor.
Gerhard Richter

44. Baseball is a game of race, creed, and color. The race is to first base. The creed is the rules of the game. The color? Well, the home team wears white uniforms, and the visiting team wears gray.
Joe Garagiola

45. Black and white is abstract; color is not. Looking at a black and white photograph, you are already looking at a strange world.
Joel Sternfeld

46. Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.
Taylor Swift

47. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul.

48. Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

49. Blue color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight.
John Ruskin

50. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you. Dare to dream really do come true.
Lyman Frank Baum

51. If you are feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color

52. Color is the overpowering of black.

53. Now, I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because police officers call me sir.
Stephen Colbert

Scripture About Not Fitting In

54. I work in three shades of black.
Rei Kawakubo

55. Color in a painting is like enthusiasm in life.
Vincent Van Gogh

56. The ones who are crazy enough to think they can color the world are the ones who do.
Steve Jobs


A Quotes Talking About Not Fitting In Wall

58. Life is a celebration of passionate colors. Some days are red (when you are high), some are green (when you are productive and fruitful), some are pink (when you are young at heart), while others are blue(when you are down). Some days are orange(peaceful and make you satisfied)and some are yellow (bright and gay)..!
Leialoha Cator

A Quotes Talking About Not Fitting In The Dark

59. When people show you their true colors don't get mad, paint a beautiful mural of life lessons and keep marching forward

60. All failures struggles & fears just add a little more color to life.

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A Quotes Talking About Not Fitting InOne Response to “60 Best Color Quotes And Sayings”
  1. The world is a colour without it you cannot live

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